uma flosser/oral irrigador .

uma flosser/oral irrigador .


Ozono uma flosser Avanzado Deep Deep Cleans and Desintoxifica ukax gomaline ukan manqhankiwa. Uka jan uñt’at tecnología de agua de ozono ukax ozono umaruw microburbujas ukanakamp qamiriptayata, ukax bacterias de placa ukanak k’umara encías ukanakar chhaqtayañatakiw yanapt’i. Uka intensidades personalizables ukaxa yanapt’iwa placa ukatxa puchu manq’a partículas ukanaka lakaru apsuñataki. Corrientes personalizadas ukax q’umachañatakiw permite ukhamaraki: Multi-jet para todo-around q’uma, enfocado para limpieza dirigida, rotación para masaje de goma. Modo ukax uma jalsu tuqinx juk’amp control ukaw utji, ukax uma antutañatakiwa, kunapachatix mä jan ch’amjam, jan sinti jan walt’ayat experienciatakix munaski ukhakiw umax mistu. Inalámbrico, mä sapa cuerpo premium amparampi apnaqat unidad ukax portabilidad ukarux juk’amp sumaptayi, ukampirus configuración de aguas trasera ukax uma imañ utarux jank’akiw mantañapa ukat phuqt’ayañapa.

Tecnología de agua de ozono ukax bacterias de placa ukanakar k’umara encías ukatak chhaqtayañ yanapt’i ukat tradicional hilo ukax janiw puriñjamäkiti, jan wali samaña, encía ukat kisu jan walt’äwinak utjañapatakiw yanapt’i.

定制制圣诞图案Custom Navidad Patrón Ozono Esterlizado Uma Oral Irrigador de Fabricante-Copy

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

Ozono uma irrigador oral generador de ozono electrolítico ukaxa wali jach’a tasa bactericida ukaniwa ukampisa janiwa oral-copia ukarux jan walt’aykiti .

In order to cater to diverse cleaning requirements, our wholesale high-quality aqueous ozone water flosser is equipped with a range of cleaning modes including strong, standard, pulse, and child modes. Additionally, its low noise design ensures a peaceful and comfortable user experience. The inclusion of an innovative memory function allows the water flosser to remember your preferred mode, enabling you to seamlessly continue using it even after turning off the portable device.

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

Ozono portátil Desinfectante uma douchador oral 200ml 10W Ozono uma hilo-copia .

Production-oriented enterprises, to give you better quality, so that you have no worries in sales. We have the patent certificate of ozone generator, which can give you stable product quality.

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

Ozono Uma Oral Irrigador-Copy .

Production-oriented enterprises, to give you better quality, so that you have no worries in sales. We have the patent certificate of ozone generator, which can give you stable product quality.

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

Ozono portátil ukax flosser-copia satawa.

Our products are protected by patents, which means that we have exclusive rights to manufacture and sell them. This is also one of the guarantees that we can provide high-quality products. Our ozone water generator uses advanced technology to produce high concentrations of ozone water stably, ensuring product effectiveness and safety.

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

Ozono uma jalsu FLESSER .

Jiwasana hilo de agua de ozono ukaxa lurasiwa ukatxa chiqapawa jiwasana fabricasana, ukaxa sañ muniwa jiwasaxa asegurará la calidad y rendimiento de nuestros productos. Jiwasax sapa detalle ukanx wali sum uñjtanxa, ukhamat jiwasan yänakasanx suma experiencia uñacht’ayañataki. Ozono uma hilo ukaxa janiwa yaqha ukhamakiti kunatixa janiwa suma q’umachañakiti tártaro, jan ukasti inflamación oral ukaxa jisk’achaspawa efecto bactericida uka ozono uma tuqi. Ozono umaxa mä ch’amani bactericida capacidad ukaniwa, wali sumawa bacterias ukatxa virus ukaxa lakaru chhaqtayaspa, ukhamarusa inflamación oral ukaxa utjañapatakixa jisk’achaspawa. Ukhamatwa jiwasan ozono umax hilo ukax mä herramienta ideal de cuidado oral ukat q’umachañataki ukhamarak esterilización ukanak munañapataki. Jiwasana luratanakasaxa patentes ukanakampiwa jark’aqataraki, ukaxa sañ muniwa derechos exclusivos ukanaka lurañataki ukhamaraki aljañataki. Akax mä garantia ukhamawa, ukax mä jach’a aski yänak churaraksnawa. Jiwasana ozono uma generador ukaxa tecnología avanzada uka apnaqi, ukhamata jach’a concentraciones de ozono umaxa establemente uñstayañataki, ukhamata producto efectividad ukatxa seguridad ukampi. Jiwasax amuyapxtanwa, jiwasan hilo de agua de ozono ukax mä experiencia total de atención oral ukaruw puriyaspa, ukampirus wali suma yänak churañamawa ukat patentenak jark’aqañamawa. Jumax mä producto de cuidado oral ukaruw merecía ukax walja munañanakar phuqhañapawa ukat oral salud ukaruw jark’aqaspa.

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

Ozono esterlizado uma irrigador oral ukaxa fabricante-copia ukankiwa .

The product has: 1, there is a sterilizing water function (sterilizing rate >99%) (can automatically generate sterilizing water, other brand products do not) there is an official CMA and CNAS qualification of the sterilization test report. 2, ozone water efficient pulse between the teeth dirt and efficient removal of dental plaque without chemical additives, ecological oxygen sterilization, oral care all-round deep cleaning. 3, can effectively remove periodontal bacteria in the mouth, as well as the tongue coating, oral mucosa infected by bacteria. 4, self-generated ozone water pulse, teeth have a natural whitening effect, no need to add whitening tablets, can directly replace mouthwash (other brands do not) there are official CMA and CNAS qualified sterilization test report. 5, can clean and sterilize the inner wall of the suction pipe, extend the service life of the product, and effectively avoid the risk of bacterial secondary infection (other brands do not). 6, nozzle lifetime free replacement (other products must be replaced every 3-6 months) 7, the product out of the water column has a unique grass smell (different from other brand characteristics)

Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni
Jiwasampiw aruskipt’apxañäni

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